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The Cosmic Earth Goddess

Calling All Heart Centered Women

Moon Goddess Temple

Awaken Your Feminine Power and Realize Your Full Potential

Create a new empowered future in alignment with who you really are,
and have more love, purpose, peace & prosperity

Moon Goddess Temple is for heart centered women who know there’s more to life, that more love, peace, purpose and prosperity is meant to be theirs.

In their hearts, they know they are called to awaken their Feminine Power and realize their potential and create the life they are dreaming of living.

The Moon Goddess Temple is for you if. . .

you’ve begun to awaken, as if you are suddenly seeing a new woman in the mirror, and feel the call ( an inner path you know you must follow ) to go deeper and remember who you really are

you’ve realized that during your journey here, through the demands of life, work and personal relationships, you’ve lost a part of yourself and it’s now time to reclaim and remember your power

you’re ready to stop the pattern of ignoring how you really feel to be who other people think you ‘should’ be and instead start embodying your natural way of being here so that you can live in a way that is truly authentic to you

you’re no longer interested in putting your own needs aside just so that others are happy with you

you’re no longer willing to ignore that being connected to the Divine Feminine, the Moon Cycles, your wisdom, and your intuition makes you feel like you are home deep down inside

you’re suddenly unwilling to try to hide your power so that you aren’t seen as too much or too strong

you’re ready to remember your truth and liberate yourself from the struggles of the past

In all your glorious, powerful, and amazing feminine energy. . .

You’re ready to be YOU.

Moon Goddess Temple helps you to awaken your Feminine Power and realize your full potential using 4 transformational Keys.

Live the next chapters of your life in alignment with the immense value of who you are, know how to stand in your power, and make hiding your power, yourself and your truth a thing of the past.

Moon Goddess Temple is a 9 month journey of awakening your Feminine Power so that you can create a new empowered future that is in alignment with who you really are and have more love, purpose, peace and prosperity.

Live your life on your own terms with confidence, courage and a clear path for the future.

The 4 Keys Awakens Heart Centered Women to their Feminine Power

Develop Your Intuition

Learn to rely on this voice who leads you with love, clarity and wisdom for the things you cannot see or feel in the 3D world.


Heal Your Wounds

Heal the hurt and resentment and consciously release unhealthy relationship patterns to create a clean slate for your future with heart healing practices and rituals.


Uncover & Honour your Energy Signature

Understand your exact signature and how this affects you and all of your relationships. Know exactly what to do to honour your signature in the future that supports you being true to thine own self and avoiding tarpit relationships that suck the energy out of you.


Deepen Your Divine Connection

When you learn to rely on the Divine, a reliable and grounded energetic exchange begins to occur. As you deepen, you both give to and receive from the Divine. A transformation occurs and you begin to live your life without any doubt of your immense value. You become able to fully give over to the Goddess that which is no longer your burden to carry and you find yourself walking through this world with a grounded inner power that helps you navigate the demands and burdens that you are being asked to work through and carry. . ., until such a time when they too are meant to be given over and are no longer yours to carry.


At the end of this journey, you will emerge awakened, grounded in your own feminine power, and living life as a woman who knows who she is, never to lose herself again.

Moon Goddess Temple helps you to realize your full potential and become the woman you dream of by helping you to awaken your Feminine Power:

Develop your Intuition. One of your greatest superpowers lays dormant until you activate and develop this innate gift. Your life will change forever for the better knowing how to work with this inner voice and how to trust her guidance throughout every step of your life.

Heal Your Heart. Heal the mistrust and the hurt to reclaim your voice and your trust in others

Heal how you receive love from others. Release your energetic armour and truly enjoy receiving with deep trust and ease

Do the deep healing and liberating work in a sacred container that feels safe and resonant for your journey, where you can trust you will be supported and guided throughout the entire process

Consciously release unhealthy relationship patterns and heal visibility wounds with antidotes that are easy to implement. This creates a clean slate for your future and helps you overcome any resistance to showing up in the way you really want to in the world

Uncover and Honour Your Energy Signature. Learn how to work with your energy and body, listen, and honour her wisdom, her intuition and her wishes. Finally understand how your energy affects all of your relationships and use this wisdom to create healthier relationships in the future

Create a clear vision with a new foundation you can rely on. Activate the Divine Feminine Connection in your core; focus on love, wisdom, intuition and your inner power to create a new empowered future that feels right and lifts you up through your journey

Become a true student of Love, the Moon’s cycles, and Mother Earth’s mysteries and create an energetic resonance that has you shining out with love. This is a shift that positively affects how you feel and show up in your everyday life

Embody a High Self Worth Mindset. Live the next chapters of your life in alignment with the immense value of who you are without any doubt!-it’s time to remember who you really are

Make hiding yourself, your power, and your truth, a thing of the past

Respond to challenges and conflict from a place of grounded centeredness and inner power. You will be amazed at how you start to show up when you know exactly what to do when you get triggered or find yourself feeling knocked off your short and long term plans

Rebuild your confidence in your self and your capacity to create the life you desire

Find and Follow your own path and purpose without getting entangled and caught up with others' energy and expectations

Go to sleep at night knowing how to quiet your mind, to give it over to the Moon Goddess and relax. You’ll gain the skills to get a full night’s rest.

And finally. . .

Love and live dancing in the moonlight in deep connection with your bliss-step back into your joy!

Live your life on your own terms with confidence, courage and a clear path for the future.

What’s included?

Moon Goddess Temple is a 9 month journey of healing, growing and awakening so that you can have more love, purpose, peace and prosperity in your life. This is a sacred honouring of who you are, and who you desire to be in the next chapters of your beautiful life.
Personal Mini Retreat

1:1 Personal 2 Hour Mini Retreat with Kaeleya to hone in on your gifts and strengths, to identify and initiate the healing your body, heart and soul is truly asking for, and to dig deeper into your Energetic Signature and your NorthStar Purpose. We meet on Zoom or Phone.

Group Coaching with Kaeleya

Every month we have 2 calls in a small intimate group of sisterhood women who are working through the bigger picture of their struggles and joys, the lessons that empower them, and the connective work that aligns them with their higher selves, their intuition and their inner power. We meet on Zoom.

Quarterly Group Calls

Guided quarterly group calls for the development of your Enchanted Big Dream. What wants to be done, what dreams need to be seeded, nurtured to bloom and harvested to bring you the life you dream of living. This is conscious creation work. And it is so beautiful and brings so much joy to take part in! After your initial map is created, we meet quarterly to make any tweaks and adjustments to the dream and what wants to be focused on. We meet on Zoom.

Sacred Sisterhood Support

Full access to a strong forum platform to make it easy to ask questions and receive answers and support from your Sisters, including Kaeleya.

Access to the Training Portal

Rituals, Prosperity Guides, Meditations and Teachings to help you master your Inner Wealth Foundation, to expand your inner power, focused meditations, rituals and step by step practices.

Opportunity to upgrade to 1:1 Personalized Coaching and Private Email Support

1:1 Monthly 60 minute call with Kaeleya and unlimited private email support to go even deeper with your healing path and support. We meet on Zoom or Phone.

What’s the investment?

$625.00/ month
1:1 Private Call and Private Email Support Upgrade

What my clients say

Her insights are invaluable, and I am honored and blessed to have her steady guidance.
Kaeleya is a powerhouse. She has such a fire inside of her and helps you to find yours in a way that is so supportive and nurturing, you don’t even realize you are in the process of awakening your inner Goddess! Her enthusiasm is contagious, and her dedication to her clients is unwavering. She is solid and strong, and yet so caring and in tune to the subtle energies.

Alexia NeonakisVedic Astrologer, Ayurvedic Practitioner

Her intuition, support and approach is second to none.
I have worked with Kaeleya for many years. She is not only an amazing human being but has many very special gifts. She has incredible intuition: sometimes I think she can see straight through my soul! Her intuitive and practical advice really has changed my life into a much more authentic one while helping me become more intuitive myself, has given me peace of mind many times, and has opened my eyes to much clarity. She is not only connected to Mother Earth and the Goddess, she is a Goddess herself! Although she has special and unique abilities, she is also very down to earth, open, honest and even funny! May I repeat, her intuition, support and approach is second to none.

Gloria AlvarezCEO Alvarez Holdings

She radiates love, light, and wisdom…all goodness, truth and beauty…far and wide. Always has, and always will. A genuine conduit for grace and miracles.

Robert AikenAstrologer, Metaphysician, Therapeutic Counsellor, and Writer

Kaeleya is an absolute Goddess filled with laughter, love, non sugar-coated straight talk and infinite wisdom. Kaeleya has taught me to how to open pathways in my thinking and in my life. In short, she is the best professional I could ever imagine to guide me on my personal, spiritual and entrepreneurial journey. If you are a woman who is ready to heed your calling, commit to stepping into the biggest shoes of your are willing to truly, deeply grow, then Kaeleya is the right guide for you. Working with Kaeleya is game changer. Guaranteed.

Noemi CastroCreator of Heart-Centered Home,

I met Kaeleya and began working with her shortly thereafter. I had just opened up a brand new business, and I had also just gone through a pretty awful divorce; as they all are, I suppose.

My favorite thing about working with Kaeleya, is that in Denver I was working with a therapist, a life coach, and a spiritual healer all separate, independent of each other. What I found in Kaeleya is that she brings all of these three aspects together for me. She is my life and business coach all of the time, and she is a healer which I find incredibly comforting to just have all of these in one place.

I get everything I need from her…and I am not constantly trying to take what the therapist said and the healer said and mesh them together on my own, because they all have different languages.

Love you Kaeleya!

Maggie MaeFounder and CEO of Blossom

Kaeleya has certainly been placed here to participate in a Universal Shift of Consciousness.
I believe she is here to lead the movement.
My life before working with Kaeleya was uncomfortable to say the least. I was in constant pain. I was living small, so very small . . . in a tiny cell hidden deep within myself.

I was really unable to build lasting relationships, I wouldn’t allow myself get out in the world and be seen, to build connections, to live. I was meant to stay in that tiny room, where I could believe that I was a failure – had failed, I was incapable of success, broken and unworthy. I would remind myself of these things often.

The external world was in complete control. I could not see the beauty of all that was around me, I could not feel the deep connections to all that was around me.

She cleared a path and showed me a door where I had seen no way out.

We are all so blessed for each moment that we have to make a difference. Kaeleya is here as a gracious guide, a brilliant light, and a beacon of hope!

For anyone who is desiring and destined for intentional, successful, and compassionate living, I now know a strong structure to build upon is imperative.

Kaeleya is that powerhouse of bright light energy with desire to empower and improve the lives of women and men alike.

Sarah Johnson

I have also uncovered what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I can not even begin to list all of the old blocks, stories, and mental challenges that have been removed. Kaeleya is absolutely amazing, she is life changing and she gives you all of the compassion support she has to offer, so if you’re ready to make a change be ready to do the work because she will align you with your true self, her guidance is empowering!

Martine Shandles

Working with Kaeleya has been very transformational. When we started working together, I had set the intention for what I wanted to experience in my life. Kaeleya has given me tools to help bring my dreams and desires into manifested reality.

I love you Kaeleya! Thank you for your gift that you share on this planet.

Aspen Vaught

Kaeleya has helped me move out of my stagnant state in life, and move into a positive life changing direction. I am so blessed to have met her and am so blessed to be working with her. She is a loving being and is a wonderful teacher. I can’t imagine how my life would be at this moment without her work.

Monica GutierrezFounder of Egretta Holdings

Kaeleya is the most amazing person I have ever worked with. She prepared me to meet the woman of my dreams and helped me uncover my soul purpose, and then provided me with the tools to make both a reality. Kaeleya’s goddess energy has deepened my understanding of women and helped me take a more complete approach to my business. I would not be anywhere close to where I am today without Kaeleya’s wisdom and guidance.

Brad RedmonPlanet Conservationist

I have gained so much clarity and peace in working with Kaeleya over the last few years. She has helped me uncover some very cleverly hidden things from my past. This has given me a greater sense of myself, and what has been stopping me from moving forward in various aspects of my life. I am so grateful for her warm, loving, wonderfully intuitive guidance.

Sue LansilHead Enchantress of Lansil Holdings

Working with Kaeleya is like finding a lighthouse when you’ve been stumbling through a thick fog. Information flows through her unedited, providing illumination, guidance, and often comfort (or sometimes discomfort in a good/growing way) enabling the seeker to find their bearings and choose an appropriate path upon which to continue their life’s journey. I trust her implicitly; when I find myself lost or confused she is the person I turn to for help.

Alison AcasterUsui Reiki Master

Since working with Kaeleya everything has shifted. I clearly see my purpose! The biggest problem I struggled with before working with Kaeleya was learning how to balance being supportive to others and asking to be supported. Oftentimes when I asked for support, I felt as if no one was available, I felt under-appreciated and alone. I have a deeper understanding of my intuitive ability and how to use that very same ability in allowing myself to receive support from others. The shifts Kaeleya has helped me to experience have completely transformed my life, bringing in a rewarding loving relationship, more compassion and understanding of my clients and best of all, a better understanding of me and what I am here to do and how.


If you’re seeking clarity, growth, unconditional love and support, no matter where you are in your own journey, Kaeleya is the trail guide you want with you on your path. Our time together is about real world, grounded, here-and-now stuff.Before working with Kaeleya, I was stuck. I wasn’t able to get out of my own way. I was overworked, and overwhelmed. From our first session, I felt such a bond of trust with Kaeleya. I literally felt a space open up where I could breathe, center and move forward once again. We are not working on “fixing” anything; it’s more about clearing the path to a more whole, expanded version of me.Her intelligence and intuition, along with her wisdom, empathy, and commitment to support me in whatever ways I need support—that’s what makes her so unique. Kaeleya is intuitive, insightful, massively supportive and fully present with me each and every time we work together. She is my most trusted advisor and has become my very dear friend.

Kristin L. StewartPhD, Author, Advisor & Adventure Guide

My life will never be the same after working with Kaeleya. She is a beacon of love and light. When I discovered Kaeleya, I felt both immensely drawn to her and, at the same time, resistant to committing to the intense process of collaboration that working with Kaeleya entails. I am so grateful that, with Kaeleya’s gentle support, my readiness to tackle the blocks that were holding me back from living a life of grace and peace was stronger than my resistance. Thanks to Kaeleya’s enormous gifts and loving energy, those blocks have dissolved, allowing me to find my heart and my life’s purpose. Kaeleya works unlike anybody else I’ve ever worked with. She sees deep within you, and then leads you, with immense compassion and tenderness, to those areas where your own internal barriers are preventing you from seeing and knowing yourself. And once you know yourself, the path to your future becomes clear. There is perhaps no greater gift of Divine grace than to find yourself, your true self, hidden under the veils of the ego. Kaeleya’s supreme gift is to help you to do just that.
