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Hello Beautiful Soul,

Do you know in your heart of hearts that you are a transformational sacred teacher and healer?

That you’re here to help the people of this world heal and thrive with your highest level work?

And you can feel the clock is ticking. It’s TIME.

And you are SO READY to conquer and dissolve whatever it is that’s in the way of your Divine Contribution (making a difference and transforming lives using the Wisdom and Gifts of WHO YOU REALLY ARE) your satisfaction, fulfillment and the life you really want to be living (flowing bank accounts, vacations scheduled, and living that dream life that feels amazing where there are no limits on your time freedom). . .

But you can’t get the answers from Google.

The coaching you’ve tried hasn’t gone deep enough to meet you where you are (or where you want to go).

You haven’t worked with a channel who can hear your deepest desires (including anything blocking them) and help you hear them too.

You haven’t experienced full support to see your potential and then receive clear guidance to anchor into your feminine power and arrive.

You haven’t been fully SEEN in the groups you’ve attended.

And even tho you’re doing ‘all the things’ to get clear on what’s truly needed to get there (going for another energy healing, hiring a new strategy coach, looking for answers in other women’s journeys, doing the affirmations and Law of Attraction work, and filling up your journal with all of your visions, etc). . .

You know something is missing.

You keep doing all the things to keep moving forward!

But the truth is, when you look in the mirror, it feels like you are leaving the most important part behind.


I want to tell you, you are right.

Your intuition, your wisdom, it’s calling you to notice,

You are worthy.

You are ready.

You are incredibly powerful.

You are being called to do the inner work that brings YOU forward as the leader in your journey. . .

and to HEAL WHAT IS IN THE WAY of leading at your highest level.

You may wonder why? Why do I have to deepen within to expand out into the world?

Because the very nature of your Divine skills and gifts make you incredibly receptive and intuitively connected.

And, because you are a human with a past, you understand pain, betrayal, disappointment and doubt.

When you mix these two elements together without actively healing and consciously choosing the leader, you can feel the Divine call, know it’s there, and yet feel trapped by past results or feel as if there is something hidden that is blocking you from living your dream life here.

But, when you do the work to heal so that you can let go and let the Divine lead within you.

Instead of the pain, the sorrow or the disappointing memories that keep you from fully showing up calling the shots (you don’t start your book, you avoid your podcast, you don’t design programs because you’re fearful they won’t sell, you stop yourself from taking intuitive action if it doesn’t ‘feel right’). . .

You consciously lead with the Divine in your true feminine power.

That’s when the magic of who you are magnetizes the life you are dreaming of living. . . and it can all happen so quickly!

I’ve noticed this time and time again, when a woman is ready and does the inner work, suddenly everything falls into place and there she is, living the life she’s been dreaming about for years.

If you would like to take a quantum leap towards realizing your full potential, leading in your feminine power, and having what you really want from life, I invite you to join us in Mother Luna Business Builders.

You can expect clear guidance on awakening and anchoring in to your Feminine Power so that you know exactly what is being asked for from the wisdom of your own soul and your business, and the deep (and customized) energetic support to heal what’s really in the way, and live and do business in a way that creates measurable growth within yourself and out there in the world.

If you’re feeling called to learn more about Mother Luna Business Builders, answer these quick questions RIGHT HERE to share where you are right now and we’ll be right back with your invite.

Here’s to your Divine Magic,

All my love,
Kaeleya xo